Photo by Westend61 On Evanto Elements

Dental bridges are one of the most used dental solutions due to these factors:

  • They allow the patient to improve their appearance and facial harmony since dental absences cause problems in the bite and reduce the distance between the nose and the chin, giving rise to an unsightly facial asymmetry.
  • Dental bridges are cheaper than dental implants, being widely used in cases of several dental absences.
  • They are resistant and maintain themselves well over time, as long as there are no more than two pieces between the two pillars, good maintenance is carried out and a good previous occlusion study has been carried out.
  • They are a fixed and more stable solution than prostheses. Although they are less stable than dental implants.


The main drawback of the fixed dental bridge anchored to two natural teeth is that to fit it, it is necessary to carve the pieces that act as pillars, which is why it is a more invasive treatment than dental implants.

Our direction towards minimally invasive dentistry makes us think of other solutions such as dental veneers or dental inlays, treatments based on dental adhesion instead of friction.

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