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The majority of individuals who seek dental treatment do so to enhance their appearance. The field of cosmetic dentistry is rapidly expanding, and there is a growing trend of people wanting to improve their appearance and achieve a more attractive smile.
The development of dental technology has introduced us to the option of enhancing a smile through the use of porcelain veneers. These veneers are a form of treatment that can address various issues, such as:
- Teeth that are not in alignment
- Teeth that are not straight
- Teeth that are discolored
- Teeth that are damaged
According to information from Colgate, porcelain is a thin material that can be designed to match the color of real teeth, making it a popular choice in dentistry. Additionally, with proper maintenance, porcelain veneers are known for their longevity.
Having a bad smile can greatly diminish your self-assurance and self-worth. Fortunately, porcelain veneers offer a solution to restore your confidence and flaunt a bright, confident smile.
The process of receiving porcelain veneers is completely painless and does not involve numerous appointments. Let us discover additional information about the treatment:
Trimming of Teeth
The initial step is to trim the tooth covered by the porcelain veneer. A skilled dentist will prioritize trimming any decayed portions of the tooth before addressing other areas.
The purpose behind a dentist trimming a tooth is to modify the enamel layer to properly place the veneer.
The process of tooth trimming also includes the elimination of previous fillings. According to multiple experienced dentists, for the porcelain and filling to bond effectively, the filling should not exceed two weeks in age. This highlights the importance of getting a fresh filling before undergoing the procedure.
The extent of trimming may differ depending on the situation, but the usual amount of trimming ranges from .5 to .7 millimeters.
Do We Need a Sedative?
In some instances, a sedative might be necessary if the porcelain veneers need to be placed below the gum line. This is due to the sensitivity of the gum line, which could cause discomfort during the treatment.
If you suffer from a fear of dentists or are uncomfortable with dental procedures, you have the option to ask for sedation while undergoing a porcelain veneer treatment.
Choosing the Perfect Color for Your Veneer
The porcelain shade for your dental treatment will be selected by your dentist, taking into consideration the color of your other teeth, particularly those in close proximity.
The transparency of the laminae will be assessed by your dentist to achieve a natural appearance for the new tooth that matches your original tooth.
Dental Impression
After the dentist has shortened your tooth or teeth and removed any debris from the surrounding area, they will take an impression of your tooth (or teeth) as well as the gums and nearby teeth. This impression provides a visual representation of your jaw, aiding dentists in determining the appropriate steps for veneering.
The procedure includes the application of a dense, paste-like substance onto the teeth. The patient is then instructed to bite down on a tray to create an impression. In addition, certain dentists may utilize a chair-mounted camera to capture an image of the teeth.
In case of need, a provisional covering is put in place.
A temporary veneer may be placed during the one to two-week period that it takes for the dentist to prepare a porcelain veneer.
Assessing the Suitability
After the new veneer is prepared, the dentist will proceed to place it in a position to assess its precision. This step is crucial as even a minor miscalculation can lead to significant issues. Therefore, the veneer will be inserted, removed, and adjusted multiple times until the ideal fit is achieved.
During the veneer placement, you will be requested to bite, shut your mouth, and possibly manipulate your mouth to ensure that there is no discomfort.
If you experience any discomfort or pain, be sure to inform your dentist immediately.
Attaching It to the Tooth
After ensuring that all necessary components, such as the shade, shape, and appearance of the veneer, are in position, the next step is to bond it to your tooth. Before bonding, the surface of both the veneer and your natural tooth will be polished.
Next, an acidic gel is applied to the tooth’s surface for 20 seconds or less. This technique, known as etching, prepares the surface for the bonding of the veneer to the original tooth. Subsequently, the gel is rinsed off and a bonding agent is applied to the veneer to ensure a strong bond.
The selected shade is compressed into the veneer and a blue light is applied to the porcelain veneer for approximately one minute to complete the bonding process.
The procedure for placing a porcelain veneer on a tooth involves cleaning and flossing the teeth by the dentist, followed by some final touches.
The application of dental veneers is a common procedure and can be carried out by any certified dentist, including our team of dentists. For further information about this process, please, contact our dental facility at 713-995-4000 to book an appointment.